[pgsql-jp: 33915] pgpool_2.0.8での動作について

藤井律男/Ritsuo Fujii ritsuo @ mxy.mesh.ne.jp
2004年 8月 25日 (水) 09:51:31 JST


master Debian-woody kernel 2.4.24+postgresql 7.2.2
secon  同様
pgpool 2.0.8  makeからのインストール
pgpool port= 5432
mastrt postgres = 5433
secn   port = 172.21.x.x:5432 

DEBUG: pid 1623: AsciiRow: len: 4 data:
DEBUG: pid 1623: AsciiRow: len: 8 data:
DEBUG: pid 1623: AsciiRow: len: 1 data: 0
DEBUG: pid 1623: AsciiRow: len: 1 data: 0
DEBUG: pid 1623: AsciiRow: len: 1 data: 0
DEBUG: pid 1623: read kind from backend pending data C len: 9 po: 935
DEBUG: pid 1623: pool_read_string: read all from pending data. po:943 len:1
DEBUG: pid 1623: pool_read_string: read all from pending data. po:943 len:1
DEBUG: pid 1623: Complete Command Response: string: "FETCH 1"
DEBUG: pid 1623: read kind from backend pending data Z len: 0 po: 0
DEBUG: pid 1623: read kind from frontend Q(51)
DEBUG: pid 1623: pool_read_string: read all from pending data. po:0 len:0
DEBUG: pid 1623: Query: commit work
DEBUG: pid 1623: read kind from backend C
DEBUG: pid 1623: pool_read_string: read all from pending data. po:7 len:1
DEBUG: pid 1623: pool_read_string: read all from pending data. po:7 len:1
DEBUG: pid 1623: Complete Command Response: string: "COMMIT"
DEBUG: pid 1623: read kind from backend pending data Z len: 0 po: 0
DEBUG: pid 1623: AsciiRow: len: 8 data:
DEBUG: pid 1623: AsciiRow: len: 256 data:

# pgpool configuration file sample
# $Header: /home/t-ishii/repository/pgpool/pgpool.conf.sample,v 1.7 2004/04/18 0
9:37:46 t-ishii Exp $

# if 1, connection using INET domain socket is allowed
allow_inet_domain_socket = 1

# port number for pgpool
port = 5431

# Unix domain socket path. Debian package default to /var/run/postgresql!
socket_dir = '/var/run/postgresql'

# host name where PostgreSQL server is running on. '' means localhost using UNIX
# domain socket
backend_host_name = 'localhost'

# port number PostgreSQL server is running on.
backend_port = 5432

# Unix domain socket path for the backend. Debian package default to /var/run/po
backend_socket_dir = '/var/run/postgresql' #'/tmp'

# host name where secondary PostgreSQL server is running on. '' means localhost
using UNIX
# domain socket
secondary_backend_host_name = '172.21.x.x'  #''

# port number secondary PostgreSQL server is running on.
# 0 means no secondrary PostgreSQL
secondary_backend_port = 5432  #0

# number of pre-forked child process
num_init_children = 32

# numer of connection pool allowed for a child process.
max_pool = 4

# if idle for this seconds, child exits. 0 means no timeout. this
# featue is not implemented yet.
child_life_time = 0

# if idle for this seconds, connection to PostgreSQL closes. 0 means
# no timeout
# if idle for this seconds, connection to PostgreSQL closes. 0 means
# no timeout
connection_life_time = 0

# logging directory
logdir = '/tmp'

# replication mode
replication_mode = true  #false

# set this to true if you want to avoid deadlock situation when
# replication enabled.
# there will be noticable performance degration, however.
# a work around is set this to false and insert /*STRICT*/ comment
# in the beginning of the SQL command.
replication_strict = true

# when replication_strict is set to true, there will be a chance for
# deadlocks. set this to non 0 (in milli seconds) to detect this
# situation and resolve the deadlock aborting current session.
replication_timeout = 5000



              ホ−ムペ−ジ随時更新中!!  遊びにきてね。 (^o^)/
       藤井 律男     E-mail: ritsuo @ mxy.mesh.ne.jp  (private)
                               E-mail: xxxxxx @ docomo.ne.jp
/ / / /               E-mail: rfujii @ fukuyama.kkmiura.co.jp
  ////     Home_page http://www2k.biglobe.ne.jp/~ritsuo/index.html
   ☆         Okayama, JAPAN
Pentax 125SD(F6.4) + ST-4,CV-16L,BJ-30C,S2pro   Takahashi m-250(F12)+ToUcam

            PGP:A801 C77D ADAF 6B8A 5ABF  8983 2171 1140 46CF 09C0

Ritsuo Fujii <ritsuo @ mxy.mesh.ne.jp>

pgsql-jp メーリングリストの案内