[pgsql-jp: 34396] Re: pgpool 2.3.1 で縮退運転に失敗します

Tatsuo Ishii t-ishii @ sra.co.jp
2004年 12月 3日 (金) 05:47:10 JST


> 添付されたパッチをあてて再インストールしてみましたが、失敗しました。
> ●Kill -QUIT でSecondary 側のpostmaster を停止してデータベースへアクセス
> ---
> postgres=# select * from test;
> ERROR:  kind mismatch between backends
> HINT:  check data consistency between master and secondary
> server closed the connection unexpectedly
>         This probably means the server terminated abnormally
>         before or while processing the request.
> The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
> !>
> ---
> DEBUG: pid 3148: read kind from frontend Q(51)
> DEBUG: pid 3148: Query: select * from test;
> DEBUG: pid 3148: read kind from backend T
> DEBUG: pid 3148: pool_process_query: waiting for secondary for data ready
> ERROR: pid 3148: pool_process_query: kind does not match between backends
> master
> (T) secondary(N)
> DEBUG: pid 3148: len:386
> LOG: pid 3148: do_child: exits with status 1 due to error
> DEBUG: pid 3171: I am 3171 accept fd 6
> DEBUG: pid 3171: Protocol Major: 3 Minor: 0 database: postgres user:
> postgres
> DEBUG: pid 3139: child 3148 exits with status 256 by signal 0
> ERROR: pid 3171: connect_inet_domain_socket: connect() failed: Connection
> refused
> LOG: pid 3171: notice_backend_error: master: 0 fail over request from pid
> 3171
> DEBUG: pid 3184: I am 3184
> DEBUG: pid 3139: failover_handler called
> LOG: pid 3139: starting degeneration. shutdown secondary host
> Secondary_Host(5432)
> DEBUG: pid 3139: exit_handler called
> Terminated


> また、Kill -INT を使用しても同様に失敗で、下記のようなログが出力されました。
> ●Kill -INT でSecondary 側のpostmaster を停止してデータベースへアクセス
> ---
> DEBUG: pid 3413: read kind from frontend Q(51)
> DEBUG: pid 3413: Query: select * from test;
> DEBUG: pid 3413: read kind from backend T
> DEBUG: pid 3413: pool_process_query: waiting for secondary for data ready
> ERROR: pid 3413: pool_process_query: kind does not match between backends
> master
> (T) secondary(E)
> DEBUG: pid 3413: len:109
> LOG: pid 3413: notice_backend_error: master: 0 fail over request from pid
> 3413
> DEBUG: pid 3381: failover_handler called
> LOG: pid 3381: starting degeneration. shutdown secondary host
> Secondary_Host(5432)
> LOG: pid 3413: do_child: exits with status 1 due to error
> DEBUG: pid 3381: exit_handler called
> Terminated
Tatsuo Ishii

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