[pgsql-jp: 36138] Re: psqlメタコマンドとトランザクション

Kiyoshi Mizuno kiyoshi_mizuno @ mail.toyota.co.jp
2005年 10月 14日 (金) 11:04:07 JST


> -----Original Message-----
> 石井です.
> > 【実験 その1】
> > −−−−ここから−−−−ここから−−−−
> > template1=# begin	←”;”なしでbeginをタイプ
> > template1-# \d		←メタコマンド実行
> >                 リレーションの一覧
> >  スキーマ |       名前       |    型    |  所有者
> > ----------+------------------+----------+----------
> >  public   | geometry_columns | テーブル | postgres
> >  public   | pg_logdir_ls     | ビュー   | postgres
> >  public   | spatial_ref_sys  | テーブル | postgres
> > (3 行)
> > 
> > template1-# ;		←beginを完結させる目的で”;”をタイプ
> > WARNING:  there is already a transaction in progress
> > BEGIN			↑もう始まった事になっている
> これ,おかしいですね.もしかして,
> \set AUTOCOMMIT off
> とかしてませんか?

スタートメニューの「psql で template1 へ接続」でDBに接続して
今も確認しましたが、AUTOCOMMIT = 'on'です。


PostgreSQL の会話型ターミナル、psql 8.0.3 for windows へようこそ

Type:  \copyright とタイプすると、配布条件を表示します。
       \h とタイプすると、SQL コマンドのヘルプを表示します。
       \? とタイプすると、内部スラッシュコマンドのヘルプを表示します。
       \g と打つかセミコロンで閉じると、クエリーを実行します。
       \q で終了します。

template1=# begin
template1-# \d
 スキーマ |       名前       |    型    |  所有者
 public   | geometry_columns | テーブル | postgres
 public   | pg_logdir_ls     | ビュー   | postgres
 public   | spatial_ref_sys  | テーブル | postgres
(3 行)

template1-# ;


2005-10-12 16:17:17 LOG:  database system was shut down at 2005-10-12 16:17:11 JST
2005-10-12 16:17:17 LOG:  checkpoint record is at 0/AC3270
2005-10-12 16:17:17 LOG:  redo record is at 0/AC3270; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
2005-10-12 16:17:17 LOG:  next transaction ID: 546; next OID: 17230
2005-10-12 16:17:17 LOG:  database system is ready
2005-10-12 16:17:22 WARNING:  there is already a transaction in progress
2005-10-12 16:17:22 NOTICE:  type "histogram2d" is not yet defined
2005-10-12 16:17:22 DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  argument type histogram2d is only a shell
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  type "box3d" is not yet defined
2005-10-12 16:17:23 DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  argument type box3d is only a shell
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  type "spheroid" is not yet defined
2005-10-12 16:17:23 DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  argument type spheroid is only a shell
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  type "wkb" is not yet defined
2005-10-12 16:17:23 DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  argument type wkb is only a shell
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  return type wkb is only a shell
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  argument type wkb is only a shell
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  type "chip" is not yet defined
2005-10-12 16:17:23 DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  argument type chip is only a shell
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  type "geometry" is not yet defined
2005-10-12 16:17:23 DETAIL:  Creating a shell type definition.
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  argument type geometry is only a shell
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "spatial_ref_sys_pkey" for table
2005-10-12 16:17:23 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "geometry_columns_pk" for table
2005-10-12 16:17:24 WARNING:  there is no transaction in progress
2005-10-12 16:17:24 WARNING:  there is already a transaction in progress
2005-10-12 16:17:27 WARNING:  there is no transaction in progress
2005-10-12 16:29:37 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "be" at character 1
2005-10-12 16:30:13 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "select" at character 7
2005-10-12 16:31:12 ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
2005-10-12 16:32:19 ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
2005-10-12 16:33:05 ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
2005-10-12 16:33:08 ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
2005-10-12 16:34:13 WARNING:  there is already a transaction in progress
2005-10-12 16:38:15 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "select" at character 7
2005-10-12 16:46:23 WARNING:  there is no transaction in progress
2005-10-12 16:46:40 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "select" at character 7
2005-10-12 16:47:15 WARNING:  there is no transaction in progress
2005-10-12 19:24:18 LOG:  received fast shutdown request
2005-10-12 19:24:19 LOG:  shutting down
2005-10-12 19:24:19 LOG:  database system is shut down
2005-10-12 19:24:22 LOG:  logger shutting down

pgsql-jp メーリングリストの案内